I think it's cute but..
You don't need to tell me that I'm pretty..
That I'm nice..
That I'm awesome..
That I'm just as good as the rest of them..
Cuz.. I'm not and I'll never be.
There are always gonna be better girls out there, no matter what you say.
You don't have to lie. I know the truth anyway.
Nothing you say can change how wothless I feel..
And how worthless I am.
That I'm nice..
That I'm awesome..
That I'm just as good as the rest of them..
Cuz.. I'm not and I'll never be.
There are always gonna be better girls out there, no matter what you say.
You don't have to lie. I know the truth anyway.
Nothing you say can change how wothless I feel..
And how worthless I am.
Postat av: Erika
Vet hur det känns sara!
Men tro mig du är en av dom sötaste tjejerna jag känner, och jag är 100% ärlig, förstår inte hur du kan vara onöjd med hur du ser ut..
Hade jag sett ut som dig så hade jag tackat gudarna för mitt utséende!
Finns om du vill snacka <3
Sara Brändström